Cross Cellos

Glamouröses Entertainment
at the highest Level.

Private Events
Radio/TV Shows


“Crossover music,” while mostly taking the theme of a classical masterpiece and combining it with commercial sounds, such as electro beats. This does not mean the banalization of a work of art. We actually do the exact opposite. We take great classical compositions, rock and pop songs and try to give them a classical dimension through our playing: more dynamics, more colors – classical music is full of such details.

The concert of “CrossCellos” is definitely closer to modern music than to classical. The unequal crossover trio (Jimmy, Iris and Karolin) is at its strongest when it makes real noise with its combinations between cellos and electric guitar/synthesizer, for example on “Led Zeppelin” or Michael Jackson songs.

Glamorous entertainment at the highest level. Are you looking for a special idea for an unusual event in the company? Whether a company party, team event, business opening or as a highlight of your conference – “CrossCellos” create a wonderful setting for a successful celebration and exuberant mood and are guaranteed to be remembered by colleagues, employees or customers for a long time!

“CrossCellos” will fascinate you with their performance of film music, rock, classic in the finest “crossover” style. If desired, we can transform your event into a dance club with an additional Dj.



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