Emma Lanford

It is ´Cos she’s cool?

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Emma Lanford’s distinctive voice has been played, heard and loved around the world for years. “Mousse T.’s Muse,” as Emma also likes to be called, was discovered in Birmingham, and is the voice of world hits ”Horny“, ”Fire“, ”Is It ‘Cos I’m Cool?“ and ”Right About Now“.

Her voice gives the songs exactly what makes them cool and very special and is formative for the typical Peppermint Jam sound.

Emma Lanford is a brilliant artist who has been captivating audiences for years not only with her jazzy voice but also with her unique live show. In 2006, for example, she appeared at the Hanover Theater in the musical version of “Alice im Wunderland”as“die Katze” to see. There she proved that she is not only a great singer, but also an excellent performer.



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