Iva & The Vintage Band

»Let’s rock the body
so the soul can fly!«

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»Let’s rock the body so the soul can fly!«

Versatile artist Iva Zalac launches her project “IVA & THE VINTAGE BAND” in 2016. On her new musical journey she combines soul tradition and pop modernity.

She has been convincing as a singer and composer internationally since the age of 15 and from 2003 in her prominent role as Dorota Popolski on television and German stages.

With the musicians Ralf Oehmichen (guitar a.o. Status Quo, De-Phazz), Felix Wiegand (double bass a.o. Dick Brave) and Bernhard Weichinger (drums a.o. Adriano BaTolba Orchestra) Iva has filled her band with high quality musicians.

As a foursome, they interpret the songs of Amy Winehouse, Etta James, Imelda May, Nancy Sinatra, Aretha Franklin, Beyoncé – to name just a few – with so much verve that you simply can’t escape the positive energy of their live performance.

Dance, sing along, or just enjoy, the band offers an impressive repertoire in every respect and their genre mix of soul, swing, rockabilly and R’n’B creates a unique atmosphere.

“At Last”, “Candyman”, “Something’s Gotta A Hold On Me”, “Bang Bang”, “A Little Party Never Killed Nobody”, ” Valerie “, ” Mercy ” – “IVA & THE VINTAGE BAND” surprises with new and fresh interpretations of great songs, which give their audience special moments.

Iva & The Vintage Band

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